Nigeria Economic Zones Association seeks to foster Economic Zones projects with focus on growth and prosperity within Nigeria.

Connect with a network of global & local supply chains...

...protecting and furthering the collective best interest of our members...
About Us
Welcome to NEZ Association – your partner in the development and success of free zone and special economic zone operations in Nigeria. Our organization was established to bring together all stakeholders in the free zone industry and provide a unified voice.
what we do
NEZ Association is the ideal partner for businesses looking to succeed in the Nigerian free zone industry.

We ensure that your interests as an operator in the economic zones are always protected against any third party

Our platform provides a rare opportunity to connect to other businesses and organizations, and the local and global value-chain

We provide a platform to exchange ideas, information, systems , data, business methods and procedures.
Take Your Business To The Next Level
By Becoming a member of NEZ Association, businesses will have access to these services and the opportunity to be part of a community of like-minded individuals and individuals and organizations working together to grow and develop the Nigerian Free Zone Industry..
Why Join Us
For businesses interested in operated within a free zone in Nigeria, becoming a member of NEZ Association offers a wealth of benefits and support.
Interaction With Government Agencies
We work closely with government agencies such as the Presidential Enabling Business Council (PEBEC), Nigerian Immigration Service(NIS), Nigeria Customs Service(NCS), Federal Inland Revenue Service(FIRS), and Standard Organization of Nigeria to ensure opti8mal operations within the free zones
Achievement of Profitability and Sustainability
The association jointly works with members towards ensuring their achievement of a profitable and sustainable level of activity within their zones.
Access to NEPZA
Regular access to NEPZA management and other relevant government agencies.
We Are Supported By
We Are Members Of

World Free Trade Zones Association