Home - Registration
To register, please fill out the form below with your contact information and a brief description of your business and interest in the NEZ Association. Once your registration has been processed, you will receive an email confirmation with additional information about your membership.
We’re excited to welcome you as a member of our community and look forward to supporting your success in the free zone industry in Nigeria. If you have any questions or concerns about the registration process, please don’t hesitate to contact us at info@nigeriaeconomiczones.com
Thank you for your interest in the NEZ Association, and we look forward to connecting with you soon.
The Nigeria Economic Zones Association was established to be the umbrella association and collective voice of all economic zones/free trade zones in Nigeria.
Our Mission is to promote the growth of the economic zones by protecting and furthering the collective best interest of our members
15 Abdou Diof Street, Asokoro, Abuja, FCT
(234) 9124606062
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